From 13-16 July 2023 in Prague, Koinonia John the Baptist held an international seminar on ministries. It is five years since the last international seminar, and members of the Koinonia were able to gather again to live this important occasion together. Around 400 people came together from the United States, Mexico, India, South Africa, Israel, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Spain, Italy, Poland, Germany, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. They shared in three intense days of teaching, prayer, friendship and sharing, all infused with the joy of meeting up again after these years of the pandemic.

The first day was dedicated to exploring ministries in a general sense. Fr Giuseppe, our Pastor General, introduced the seminar’s theme from a biblical viewpoint. Fr Ricardo, our Founder, spoke about the conditions that favour the birth of ministries. Iwona outlined their essential features, Fr. Alvaro spoke about some of the obstacles to ministries emerging in community, and Fr Sandro concluded by presenting the criteria and requirements for those participating in ministry. As the day drew to a close, we had the joy and honour to receive a visit from Bishop Tomáš Holub (Bishop of Plzeň) who greeted the assembly with warm and encouraging words. During the second and third days, the themes led us in to the specifics of various ministries, accompanied by testimonies from brothers and sisters with many years contributing and serving in different ways. Fr. Vladko presented children’s ministry and how this developed in the Oasis of Sklené. Fr. Milan spoke about teen ministry (younger youth ministry), while Fr. Gregorio presented older youth/young adult ministry. Fr Corrado concluded the second day exploring ministry with families. The next day began with Irena focussing on the ministry of intercession. This was followed by Francesca exploring prophetic ministry. Weronika and Fr. Michał presented ‘Good Samaritan’ ministry, Fr. Luca spoke on music ministry, and Fr. Claudio shared on evangelisation ministry. Fr. Giuseppe concluded the seminar by offering a concise vision of these days as well as future prospects.

These were hugely blessed days, during which the Lord wanted to confirm and encourage us in walking together as Koinonia, with an attitude of service that is continuously more generous and zealous. Now begins a new season, in which we’re called to give together with joy, in the measure that we have received, for the building of God’s people and for the glory of Christ risen in our midst.